Sunday, November 23, 2014

28 - Moving House

Hi all
I am currently in the process of looking for property to move to. Let me tell you that this not as fun as it sounds. I love looking at property but there is always the stress of whether I will be able to get the property and whether I am going to run out of time before my current lease ends. I regret moving around the new year so much as that means that I have to find a new place before the real estate agents all close down for christmas and new year!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

27 - HI

Hey all
I know long time no post..
To be honest I am a very slack blogger sometimes but that is just the life of a student can be difficult and busy.
lots has happened since last time the biggest thing of all that I am an auntie again! woo I love being an aunt with all my heart!

I am moving again soon so I will keep you posted on that too! I am over having house mates other than Kale they suck! lol


Thursday, May 16, 2013

26- I forgot all about this!

I had completely forgotten about this blog! It was amazing to read it all today!
I will tell you all about my current life. I am currently in my third year of my marketing degree. I Have an amazing boyfriend who I now live with, yes I moved out of home at 21 (before Megan). I did volunteering Loas at the start of 2012, I was teaching english to local children. I Started my own beauty channel on youtube recently which is something I wanted to do during the days I was posting on this blog. I have amazing friends from highschool still! The girls I wanted to stay in contact with I have! In 2011 cheerleading nationals my level 1 and 2 teams won their divsions while in 2012 I was in one team (level 2) which won every single competition we competed in! This year for cheer I am not in a squad, I am taking a novice pom class and hopefully will be in a stunt group. Kale and I have our own cat together her name is Luna and she is extremely cute! We got another cat first Sabrina but she ran away :(. Also one the of saddest things about this year is we discovered my mother has breast cancer. They told us it treatable and curable which is comforting. She is postive and happy which is truly inspiring. I adore my mother she is the biggest influence in my life! On a postive note I now am An Aunty Jade Swan is my brothers beautiful little girls she was born last year in december. I can not wait to see her grow up and see her personality show more. I am very happy with my life and I hope that I can maybe continue with this blog as I also think my life would be a great reality show.

Thank you blog, you made my day

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

25- I stopped blogging time to begin again?

Hello people read this............
Which I know people don't but who cares really this is my way of recording the on goings on life and if someone finds it interesting than that is great but if you think I am just a stupid teenage girl then you are kinda right. Whatever though who cares!
Anyway since last time I have started University and I am so much happier than what I was in year 12! I am loving my life right now. Sure I am still having bad weeks but who doesn't. I have made new friends and they are different from my high school friends it makes life different and interesting again. I am not saying I am not I am getting rid of all my highschool friends this is not the case I am however only seeing the girls I want to see. There are people from school who are dead to me and I do not plan to make contact with again. If I see them at an event for a mutual friend I just won't talk to them as I don't talk to the dead. If you know me you will know the main person who I have cut out of my life and you may think I am silly for it but it is my life don't you forget. I have never been one to give into peer pressure so trying to make me like someone again is just pointless.

Another change to my life is that I join  my universities cheerleading team. I am addicted I have started thinking about it when I'm not training and always wanting to improve. I doing 7 hours of training a week which big difference compared to last year with me doing barely any. Competitions start in July and hopefully my team will win in our division because we are competition against my cousin!
I hate excel and that is all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

24- Daily Booth

Hello everybody!
So yesterday I got my Cast off! finally it had been on for two months and was driving me insane. Although now I have to wear a plastic splint for another month in the hope that I won't need an operation which I guess would be good as I don't want one.
that is the link to see my new splint on my Daily Booth account. I don't have many pictures on there which is sad as I wanted to upload a picture a day so I am planning on seeing if I can try at least. However I know there will be days where I won't have access to a computer close to Christmas as I will be staying at my cousin's and she doesn't own a computer.So yes I am saying to anyone that cares that I am will be posting lots of Daily Booth it will be interesting to see if it lasts longer than today!
well that's all!
xoxo you know you love me!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

23- Change

On Saturday I was at a Western Themed 18th which was a lot of fun. At this party there was a girl who I met in year 7 and had been friends with her until she left my school at the end of year 9 I think. We were talking and within five minutes of our conversation she said "God you haven't changed at all." I am sure this was meant in a nasty way but it did get to me. Have I not changed though out my years in high school?
I believe since 2005 I have grown into a different girl to who I was back then. Heck I also believe I have changed and matured this year compared to 2009.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

22- Chances

Hey! - Brodie don't read this as it is about my damaged hand' thanks.
So today I went to the specialist about my wrist. It was super really, being told there is a chance that your bone will die or may never heal. well that  just makes my day. Also that I could be in my cast for three months makes it's even better because I want to miss out on my summer, going in my pool and of course Schoolies. The fact that I think it is starting to smell makes it's worse since in those three months I am sure the temperature will reach forty and I won't be allowed to go in my pool which is one of favorite things of summer. Hopefully if I have an operation it will heal quickly and properly.

Glee on today I am a Gleek.