Sunday, November 23, 2014

28 - Moving House

Hi all
I am currently in the process of looking for property to move to. Let me tell you that this not as fun as it sounds. I love looking at property but there is always the stress of whether I will be able to get the property and whether I am going to run out of time before my current lease ends. I regret moving around the new year so much as that means that I have to find a new place before the real estate agents all close down for christmas and new year!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

27 - HI

Hey all
I know long time no post..
To be honest I am a very slack blogger sometimes but that is just the life of a student can be difficult and busy.
lots has happened since last time the biggest thing of all that I am an auntie again! woo I love being an aunt with all my heart!

I am moving again soon so I will keep you posted on that too! I am over having house mates other than Kale they suck! lol
